Sunday, 30 June 2013

Clan Theme Pictures

Done. Got pictures for all members so far. I think its more readable. :)

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Match Result #7 - oXmoZe

Stomped in 3s with oBi, ond and przeMx. I've blanked out the name of our mystery third player. 

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Match Result #6 - Gohan and Bongos

A loss, but Valiantly played by MatzeMr and  omni!


Match Result #5 - JMR and FlyerFly

A win - Granted, it was only on one of the maps played and occurred before FlyerFly was swapped out for a second sPec member, but I'm claiming it!

(You can tell from these last few shots that we really like playing pb_forest)

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Join Requests

We've had a number of join requests over the last few days (four of them). We only have a limited number of positions remaining, but if you would like to join, please also send a clan leader a message to organise a tryout, rather than just requesting membership.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Match Result #4 - Jealous

Today we matched Say and Choice from Jealous.
Tough match, but I think omni and I held up pretty well.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

New Member

Please welcome our newest member, bitius. He has joined and will start matching/ training soon,  Congratulations Bitius on getting into |-210|.

Current Roster



Match Result #3 - 1uke and Nah!

Aiming to get our points out of the 30s and into the 40s. Not there yet, but working on it.

Match Result #2 - M435str0 and Cleaner

Another Loss for -210 was suffered but again the team showed some great game-play.
36-50 loss for |-210|

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Match Result #1 - Psycho Ballers

Latest Match Outcomes

Match with [b] - 54-32. [Insta did play but dropped out towards the end].

Friday, 21 June 2013

Welcome to the -210 blog!

The purpose of this blog is to keep the members of -210 up to date with the growth of the clan. 

New members
It has been just under one week since omni and I (noturning) revived the clan and we have since welcomed five new members - lazers, thai, MatzeMR, aceb0t and darkepic. We have also added a new leader - Necroman. In addition to leader duties, Necroman will also provide training on strategies and jumps for some of the most-played maps. 

We will most likely take on a couple more players, but will close recruiting soon.

Because we've been focused on recruiting, there hasn't been much matching, although that will soon change. Omni, noturning and thai recently played a game against [b], and although we lost this time, it was an excellent game. I'll begin taking screenshots of matches and place them up on here.

We have an IRC channel, which is #Liquid_Nitrogen. If omni or I are in-game, we will also be on IRC. We encourage all members to periodically jump on as well. 

Comment below!
We will be writing these blog posts to keep the members of the clan informed of what is going on. Please comment below if you happen to read any of these posts so we know the scope of our audience.