Sunday, 29 December 2013


im grizly im new to the caln but i hoep 2 match with u guys soon
imadoofas is in 210 too


Clipz has donated some temporary match servers!

Clipz gave me two of his |-210| tourney servers and said I can use them to match on. You can't rent them, yet, but you can certainly match there!

|-210| Tourney #1
|-210| Tourney #2 (Prozak Server)

Join Password: tourney
Admin Password: tlogin

Enjoy! Thanks Clipz!

Saturday, 28 December 2013

-eGn- is dying. Any ideas to help?

Well, I'm sad to announce this, but last Wednesday (Christmas day, 2013), I kicked all of -eGn- members for their own good. My clan is dying. Most of them are not interested to come back to my clan. I don't want this clan die. I want this clan die with |-210|. Noturning inspired me for running this clan. He never gave up with |-210|. I want that way of running my clan. This is the first successful clan I ever ran.

I decided to run a re-tryouts for everyone in my clan. But only 2 people managed to come back to my clan.... I'm still asking iSpecYou for any members that wants to join.

For now, I want to ask any of you for ideas on how to get my clan back. I'm asking for help. Especially from noturning :P . Thanks |-210|.


Friday, 27 December 2013

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Community Match with DR34M

Just wow.

After several lost matches, the community would ultimately beat them in a 10v3 =D
Note that every single player on the red team has a negative KD haha

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Updated Brackets

How about this one guys?


A Message To You All!

Oh yeah, happy holidays too!
Without you guys, I would never be as confident and as skilled as I am today. <3 :D =]

Thanks to you all, which include...

noturning - the leader. He's led this clan to glory and after he first joined has stayed in it throughout all the times (no matter how good or how bad) Liquid Nitrogen has been. Thanks noturning. Love your leadership.
omni - my omnom. GIMME YOUR COOKIES BRAH! Fun watching you play in the sPec tourneys and such in matches. Thanks for carrying me!
schizophrenic - "schiz". I've had lots of fun on speed servers with this guy, whether we were doing amazingly with our stats when on the same teams or constantly capping on each other when we were against each other.
HOGMANS - We talked ALOT together. Every time we saw each other we'd chat up the whole console so you'd see more of our chat than kills pop up each second!
daRkePic - Good times trolling each other bud.
Speezy - The newest member to the clan, man, that guy would smile or do this: "^^" every time I spoke. No one I know has had more of an emotional life on DP.
Say - "The Pro". You will always be more pro than me or anyone in Paintball. Own on.
thai - He has one of the names I've always wanted. One, always fun to say "Hai thai!" to him, and two, I love thai food.
GrizLy - My neighbor and friend in real and DP life. I will always love the things you do griz.
iNstA - "iiiiinnnnnsssssttttttaaaaahhhhh" So funny. So troll. Loved playing with you whether if was on matches or pubs. One of many fun(ny) people I've met here. Always cheers me up.
MaTzeMR - We are bros for ever. Never let that die. #broZ4eva
EPICFACE - Funniest.Troll.Ever. Keep suiciding!
Choice - Like Say, the pro. Please accept the |-210| invitation I've sent you! Love you to be in here again!

Have a happy holidays Liquid Nitrogen.

Monday, 23 December 2013

New Member To The Blog! + [Tutorial] How To Make A Blogger Profile

We now welcome Grizly, one of our newer |-210| members, to this blog! Have fun on here bud!

In other news, I have made a tutorial about how to make a blogger profile. Visit it here.


Matches with friends

Just a couple of shots from some recent matches.

Sunday, 22 December 2013


Here is a rough draft. Any suggestions?

Also - I'll be on for the next 3 hours if anyone wants to get a match going. 

Saturday, 21 December 2013

[MATCH] LaZeRs and shw vs. *ToOnz*

Well, last night ToOnz wanted a 2s and shw and I agreed to do one with them. I honestly thought we'd lose this one. And I didn't get carried. And we beat ToOnz. :) A Christmas miracle, eh?

This is a lesson. I thought I was bad, and I probably still am, because I got kicked out of my team for the #sPec# tournament, but anything's possible. And I learned that yesterday.

Wishing |-210| good luck and a happy holidays here!

Friday, 20 December 2013

|-210| New Years Cup - Brackets

Can someone make somehow on your computer a bracket for the |-210| tourney? I want it to look professional, but if no one will, I will have to draw and paste the picture of my hand-drawn brackets on the DP forums thread.
These really depend on how many teams are registered.

Here's how I want them:

For an even amount of teams...

Team 1           (Possibly Semifinals)
Team 4           Winner of 1v4 \
                                           | < Could be championship
Team 2           Winner of 2v3 /
Team 3           (Possibly Semifinals)

                                                 Championship Game (Winner of semifinals)

Team 5           (Possibly Semifinals)
Team 8           Winner of 5v8

Team 6           Winner of 6v7
Team 7           (Possibly Semifinals)

For an odd amount of teams...

Team 1
Team 2           Winner of 1v2
                      Team 4                  Winner of that game
                                                  Championship (If 5 teams)                  Championship
                      Team 3
                      Team 5                  Winner of 3v5 (if 7 teams)
                                                                           Winner of that game
                      Team 6
                      Team 7                  Winner of 6v7 (if 7 teams)

Thanks in advance!

Tryout: Tepig [FAILED]

Okay so this guy named Tepig asked me to try him out to get him in here. I didn't know what to do, since I don't really tryout people, and I told him to find noturning because I was sure he knew what to do way better than what I knew.

So I tried him out and he failed.
My tryout requirements are simple; map is propaint1 (one of my favorite maps). If you beat me, tie me, or lose to me by 10 or under, you can join |-210|. And 1 tryout per person per day.

Unfortunately, he lost by a lot more than ten.
Still, it's good to see that people know and even want to be in Liquid Nitrogen.

Here's a screenie.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Tie Match: Lazers and Noturning

Lazers and I matched Fluk3 and Fester today. It ended as a tie because two players had to leave after the second map.

Map 1: pp1 - Won by -210

Map 2: pgptrain - Won by Fluk3 and Fester

Score: 52-42

I think we would have won the tie map! Lazers and I lagged pretty hard on the server, and this wasn't helpful when playing with PGP. 


Anybody know any maps to add to the tourney?

  • propaint1
  • shazam22
  • wobluda_fix
  • pbcup_pforest
  • greenpark_b4
  • greenhill_b1
  • prolandr
  • daylight
I am open for suggestions! I will edit this post to add/delete the maps you guys would want rather than copying #sPec#'s rotation.


Monday, 16 December 2013

First match with -eGn- vs. *ToOnz*

Well, LaZeRs and I had a match vs. clan *ToOnz*. They were very good. The players are:


I guess |-210| and -eGn- need to train better...
Here are the screenshots:

Friday, 13 December 2013

We geezers still match! + Tournament Thread on DP

Hey guys!
I matched yesterday with omni and our team eventually beat the other team thanks to him. Shoutout to omni for carrying us through the final minutes :)
Also, for the tournament, here's the thread on the DP forums:
Can you guys recruit for the tournament on pubs/match servers? I don't know, it might help persuade people to get teams.
Requirements for them:

  • team of 3
  • a tag - funtag (no letters or numbers) or an existing tag -
  • to be on IRC ( - #Liquid_Nitrogen) or on TS3 (
Thanks in advance!

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Who said dp was dead?

Lately I've been seeing fewer and fewer people playing dp2, which is quite saddening. I know that the download numbers for the game are just as high as ever, but the number of people on servers is, at times, depressingly low. So, it's pretty refreshing to get a game like this one going. Shout out to lazers for holding up pretty damn well against some very skilled players!

Monday, 9 December 2013

Lazers and Noturning versus Spog and Shockk + New clan partnership

Lazers and I played a close game against Spog and Shockk yesterday, losing by a marginal amount at 11 points (unfortunately I had to leave during map 2). GG!

In other news - I think it might be a good idea to take Fussion's offer to partner up with eGn. He recently posted:

Nice results...... suppose I cannot post another topic for this, Ima just post it here myself. As I saw that result, it gave me an idea.. How about |-210| and -eGn- be allies? I am from the Philippines and that country is near Australia...... We are fairly active though, Europeans and my friends are in that clan.... so we are active weekly.... We match every Friday (EST). Our record is 14-4. We can train with you.... But I will be fairly active everyday starting December 20, 2013. Contact me here if you want to accept my proposal : and our IRC channel #eg_netcrew and #fussion. =) thanks |-210|

I think that this could open up some new matching opportunities =) I'll have a chat about this with Lazers later.

Also, Lazers - how late do you stay up playing dp2? It was good meeting up at 8:30 PM the other night (or 5 AM CET). Maybe we could make a regular matching time out of 7 AM CET? Or we could swap it and do the reverse - 7 PM CET (and 8:30 AM in US)

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Say.................... back!

This week we welcome back one of the early -210 members, Say.

That is all.

Here's a snap from a match between Say and myself, against omni and infuze (who left just before I took this screenshot)

Oh - just so it doesn't get pushed out of the way too much - Tomorrow Lazers, grizly, and myself will be going over match strategies on some common maps at 5 AM CET, or 8:30 PM Western US time. All are welcome to join.

Saturday, 7 December 2013

|-210| Clan Trainings

So far me and noturning scheduled a practice/training thing tomorrow at 5 AM CET, or 8:30 PM Western US Time for our newest member, Grizly.
Feel free to join!

Where are you my love?

How are you my love
Its been so long
I'm looking down from above
I though i'd write you a song

I've missed you
Have you missed too?
I wondered if I'd see you again
Shall I come back to my place of zen?

I'm torn between new and old
Now I must decide between two party's of gold
I'm still deciding in my head
Shall I remain and stay true to my name
Shall I return and turn away from "fame"

Liquid Nitrogen is my home

Im going again...

sorry guys
but this clan is very sad in its current status, without omni and inactive players...
I am going to join in a clan with lumixan again, but I will always match with you all if you want
and if omni comes back I maybe will come back too, if i can
its too inactive for me in its current status and time zones

Match Today + More Tournament Details

Hey guys,

I finally got my new PC, so I'll be on dp2 a lot more now. If anyone wants to match today, let me know on here or on the OTB server on TS3. I'll be around until 3pm on the clock below.

-210 Christmas Cup Details

  • Saturday, 14th of December (will decide on time once I get an idea of where most of the players reside)
  • Teams of 3 players
  • Minimum 4 teams
  • Fun tags
  • Maps: propaint1, shazam22, wobluda_fix, pbcup_pforest, pbcup_sassault, rallyr_b1, green_park_b4, greenhill_b1 (I copied those from JMR's last tournament. Feel free to suggest others). 
  • All players must arrive on TS3 or IRC 15 minutes before the cup begins
  • 10 minute time limit for games
  • I'm not sure what to do about prizes - Not really sure what we could even offer?
  • Also uncertain how to go about handling servers - I might have to talk to JMR or Superman. 
  • Further details to come

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Tournaments Page Now Up!

Just letting ya guys know.
Click the "Tournaments" tab to see it.
Enjoy! :)

Regular Matching Time - Member clocks

Hey guys,

I'd like to get a bit more organised with respect to meeting up for matches.

I think a good way to do this is to first have an idea of who might be on at particular times. Member clocks are as follows:

Member Clocks

Noturning and Schizophrenic - Australia

Lazers - USA (I think we need another USA member, maybe?)

MatzeMR and Thai - Europe

Omni - United Kingdom (Hasn't joined -210, but is a good friend of the clan and is always good to match with)

These times might be a little off as I'm not exactly sure where you all reside - just let me know and I can make corrections as necessary.

-210 Global Clock

Now for the main part - we should co-ordinate our meeting times to one clock. I think we should go with the Europe time. So, we can consider this to be the main DP2 clock that we will run by:

^^ A bit too big haha, I'll fix it later.

Regular Match Time(/s)

In the next couple of days, I'll observe the times that everyone seems to be on and keen for matching. I'll then update this with a time that members can *expect* to find other members on to play with. 

I'm not sure how well this will work, but it's worth a shot. I'd really like to see more matches being played - perhaps I'll bring some new players in for this. Let me know what you guys think, and if you know anyone that (a) might like to join, and importantly, (b) would be keen to match. 

Omni, we miss you!


we need you in -210, without you the clan isn't the same :(
when will you join again?

Monday, 2 December 2013

Our Tournament (To be Named Later)

So, guys, I hear we're starting another tournament!
It's been a while.

How about some ideas?
Here's what we got so far:

  • 3v3 teams
  • at least 8 teams
  • Funtags (Like JMR's Tournament)

Gimme some of your guys's ideas to help structure the tournament!
Once this is done, we'll post it on the DP forums!

Matze versus Noturning

Tonight I took on a dp2 legend, and lost by a very close margin. I therefore declare Matze the undefeated champion of -210! For now... =D 

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Ideas I Have For This Clan

Well, I've been thinking, wouldn't our clan be a little more popular/respected if we provided some servers for Paintball 2?
I think so.

Anyway, if you want, this is a little thing full of links helping you guys create a server. I wish I could supply a regular, dedicated server(s), which a would've done already if I can, but I cannot figure out the login to my router.
Here ya go.

How To Make A Paintball 2 Server [Windows]
How To Make A Paintball 2 Server [Linux]
How To Make A Paintball 2 Server [Via]
Having Problems Running A Server?
Port-Forwarding Guide

DP Server Match Rental Tool
Remote Control Admin Panel

Basic Version - LaZeRs
Detailed Version - LaZeRs
HD Version - DerryBoy09
Regular Version - Derryboy09

Also, wouldn't it be cool to create another |-210| tournament?
I would really want to!!! It could be a 3v3 tournament like the people of the forums want from the sPecial 2v2 tournaments after they ended.

Anyway, those are some ideas I have to possibly benefit our clan. :)


Return of Liquid Nitrogen!

Hey guys,

Last night a few current and former members got together to play a few matches. It was fantastic seeing Matze, Thai, and Omni, and playing some close games - much closer than they used to be. Everyone has improved in their playing ability so much!

We started with a few games against Matze and Chronicles. They were very close matches. Despite how good omni has become, he was unable to carry me all the way to 50 points - though he came very close!

We also had a fantastic 3v3 match where the -210-based team took away a victory against a selection of assorted players. Omni even managed to attain a KD of 821:10 - it was very impressive :D

On a separate note - the clan is slowly coming back together, with Matze and Lazers joining! I'll try and get regular posts going again, and I hope everyone feels free to contribute - this is a blog for everyone. 

It was so great having so many players on last night, and we almost had a 4v4 going. In light of this, I think that it might be a good idea to try and schedule some time(s) each week that we establish as 'matching time'. I know it's hard for people with all the different time-zones/commitments, but it could just be a casual thing - i.e. X GMT - anyone who is free and wants to play, meet on the -210 TS3 server (Which Matze made - thanks Matze. Just message a member on TS3 for the channel password). 

That's all for now - I'll have a think about how to go about establishing some kind of regular match time. 

2 10 is backkkk in da h00d

so noturning thai and i "reactivated" 210!
Now only omni and lazers must join and then we are back in da gud ol times :D.
love ya gaiz no homo