Friday, 14 February 2014


Hey guys,

Some of you know that I've been searching for a full time job over the last few weeks. I've finally found a job, which means that I'll be working 9am to 5pm on Monday through Friday, each week. What this means is that I won't be on as much during US times throughout the week. I'll still be on during the evenings here though.

Also, post here or on the forums if you'd like to participate in our upcoming tournament. I'd join in, but I want to be able to focus on helping lazers in running this one.

Couple of screenshots from some matches

1 comment:

  1. Nice to hear you got a job! Hope you do well!
    That sucks that you can't match as often as you used to with me :(, but maybe you'll pair up with iNstA, Say, or Choice to match.
    I appreciate you helping me in running the tournament.
    And nice match scores.
