Saturday, 27 July 2013

New Leader: Hogmans + 3's Match (The REAL #1)

Today will be my last day of dp before I take a leave of absence. I have appointed hogmans as leader. I hope that he will be able to refresh the clan with the intake of new members.

I found this picture today on my iphone (I couldn't remember my screenshot bind at the time!) of -210's very first match (if you can call it that). It was on a public server, on the map shock no less, and to top it all off a noname infiltrated our game at the last minute and we couldn't get him to leave haha. Perhaps you wouldn't call it a match, but I like to think that it counts.

This was in February, probably just a couple of days after Heisenberg and Hogmans made the clan. Funnily enough, all three of the players on the opposing team (nina, imadoofas and pandalover) would all go on to join the clan at completely different stages throughout its life.

I'm showing this not just because of the nostalgic feelings that it brings me, but also because it reminds me of how long this clan has been around. Sure, it might not be long at all compared to some of the real long-term dp clans like cP etc., but in the dying days of this great game where new clans come and go constantly, most of which last a couple of months, maybe three at best - I'm pretty happy with the fact that we've made it this far. It couldn't have happened without all of you guys - whether you're a current or former member - thank you for playing a part.

I hope to see some of you again when I return in November!

All the best to you all,


1 comment:

  1. Hey, its Pandalover3000! haha too bad shawn made him quit this game.
