Sunday, 11 August 2013

Hey Guys!

Hi guys! It's LaZeRs!
Still playing Paintball2. Just giving you guys some news.
  • .iNte.aveiRik is now banned. (Averio)
  • I have left [xRo].
  • MatzeMR is in clan [EL1T3] now. 
  • I am done with clans.
  • Only 2 and a half more weeks until my inactiveness.
  • A clan "Ladder System" has been posted (so you guys match? post your WINS on there, dpforums)
  • Shawn has left DP2!... along with NecroMan.

    Any other news? I can't seem to tell. Anyway, see ya guys!
    =] <3 |-210|


  1. Hey Lazers!

    It's nice to hear from you, and to learn that you are still playing.

    It seems that everyone has gone their separate ways - Shawn and Necro gone, you and Matze in separate clans etc. Why did shawn leave them game?

    I had a look through the ladder thread, as well as Averio's ban thread - there's some interesting stuff there. I wish I was still playing, I'd try to take myerz up on one of those offers he has been throwing about to train clans. I'm not a big supporter of Averio's ban - I used sunmans textures for a while and although I agree they give a little bit of an advantage, I really think there needs to be an official statement on textures.

    With regards to myself, I haven't played the game in about 5 weeks now! Well, that's not true - I have a build 16 version that I occasionally play against bots on, but - being build 16 and all - in won't let me connect to servers - which is what I need, otherwise I'd just spend too much time playing :P Just 72 days now until I graduate from my degree!

    I'm not sure where all the other members are at, but I just logged on to find that omni is in a new clan now :( I can't blame him of course, it was just weird not to see his name on the clan profile :P But with that said, it's good to see that he is still playing, hopefully he (and you as well) will still be around when I'm back in November.

    That's probably it for now! I might start to visit the forums a little more, so you might start to pop up there.

    Thanks for the update.

    All the best,


  2. Hi Mate!!
    (and Noturning :/ )

    I'll second noturnings comments its nice to hear from old members. Even ones such as noturning himself. Ugh!

    I think Aviero was used as an example, at least that's the way it seems his punishment was hard, considering most of the community use what would be considered illegal. It seems he was used as a bit of a threat to other players. There is no way of knowing what textures are illegal at the moment, there is no word from jitspoe besides the odd few that he has outlawed. Even still you would only know that if you checked the forums. I guess Jits was everyone to use there common sense and sportsmanship to lighten the load. I dont know.

    I heard bad things happened in xRO but I got the impression i shouldnt dig any deeper so I wont comment on it. I just hope it had nothing to do with Former Clan members.

    I spoke to MatzeMr on skype he told me about [EL1T3] and said he was having a fun time so i wish him luck there.

    Is it true you started RNDM back up lazers; again i wish you luck and hope to see some good matches played.

    The ladder started out as a great idea. Sometimes i dont understand the community and how it fell apart. Literally within a matter of a day. Maybe im not on the inside heh heh.

    I'm gonna be honest here i didn't really like Shawn or NecroMan, so good riddance.

    I saw Thai The other day; he says he just enjoys the occasional game. I hope he sticks around. Its also nice to see matze on. I have a feeling lots of players will leave when there respective school's start. I also see insta on quite a bit, He is looking to move out of [B.t] (About time if you ask me) and into a new clan. He still has skills ill admit when I matched him 1v1 yesterday he managed 30 and 48 points against my 52 and 50. GG!

    As for me I still play a fair bit, mainly ive been hanging out with my mates before we all leave for different colleges, apprenticeships and/ or jobs. I Fear i wont have time to play when college starts. Anyway i don't suppose anyone cares.

    See you in November Noturning. If im not around which i doubt message me and ill hop back on. Good Luck and Have Fun |-210|


  3. Hey guys! Glad you replied.

    Aveiro's ban got everyone mad, most of them saying it was a bad ban. And yes, EVERYONE who's posted on that thread said that "we need an official statement on textures". The people of DP are working on making one now.

    Omni, speaking of Skype (i'm not sure if noturning has one or not), I've changed my Skype (sorry, lol.) to piggl3z. That's why you ahven't noticed me.

    As for MatzeMR, he is in [EL1T3], and he is working on making a map for his clan. So he's been busy with that, as I talked to him on skype the other day.

    As for the other |-210| members after the reboot of the clan, I haven't heard of really. That's great that thai is still playing and enjoying DP2.

    Shawn, yes, everyone pretty much hates him. School's starting for me on the 27th of August, and I have to deal with him for another year. So I'm fine with shawn leaving. The only thing I liked about NecroMan is that he talked like a caveman on the forums. (His new clan! and searching for clan posts, specifically) :)

    Me? I'm doing great! It's awesome to have my first official clan that I was in back running! Me and epic have already rebooted the clan and got better members. Thanks for all the training in |-210| by the way, I never would've been able to open this clan again without it.

    I saw omni on my server recently, good to hear. And even better to hear that he still comes on here and replies!

    Hogmans is inactive apparently.

    Thanks for all the help |-210|. I remember the times I've always wanted to be in your clan. And I was - and will be - when the clan is back. Hopefully, might stay in randomness. I will always remember you guys.

    See ya in November noturning, hope you do well with your college degree; good luck!

    Skype: piggl3z
    Facebook: pewklazers

    Thanks guys!
    See ya later on DP2 or something!


  4. Hey guys im glad to see that you all are still alive! :D

    I am so happy that noturning is coming back in a few days.
    I hope we can build up -210 like it was before noturning got inactive!
    cuz that was the most awesome time i had in a clan and i wanna have this time once more :)

    Greetings to thai lazers noturning and omni!
    love ya all (no homo) :D ! :*


  5. There is so much to talk about, like I said 210 might not be a thing I will have to speak to noturning about it properly when he gets back. The day before he does I go on holiday for a week :/

    And college work has taken a lot of my time as well. Its wierd to see 210 in different places but still playing.

    Me --> sPec
    Matze --> Spec Training
    Lazers --> iP
    Infuze --> Still going strong, speak to him at least once a week joining uR last I heard

    I even saw shizo on the other day :D

    'Old days are fine. But alas so far behind'

    Lets not distract noturning anymore though he still has work to do remember, I just hope I can speak to him again before I go on my holls. A TS3 session with everyone would be awesome

    Matze dont get your hopes up I don't know whether noturning would want to reform 210 again, but it sure would be another rollercoaster ride if he did :)

    Ah the mild nostalgia

    - omni
