Saturday, 11 January 2014

-eGn- was revived!

Hello, my friends! I made this post to inform |-210| that -eGn- was revived!

I got myself some good members, including Paint3r, Lukek9, Nukeproof and some active members!
But, we are not -eGn- anymore. We are REAL. We are PURE. We are the Real Gaming Network .rGN.!
I did 5 tryouts in 1 month! If I could keep that record in 5 months, I can have 25 members! Thank you |-210|! We will always be at your back ;)

Check out our new website:

Any member of |-210| still using the IRC channel #liquid_nitrogen?
Ima shut it down if nobody uses it =)


  1. A few things to say.

    First, nice job managing to get your clan back in action! Good luck with it and I hope we continue to stay allies! If your 3v10 EPIC MATCH works out, (and of course, is organized pretty well) then maybe -eGn-, scratch that, I meant -rGN- + |-210| can organize a tournament sometime!

    As for your website, I saw a couple things I'd like to speak about. Firstly, please make your "slideshow" page images WAY bigger. They're hard to see the scores, information, what it's about, and just in general. I'd appreciate that.

    Oh yeah, for your links, they don't work. They're dead. Please actually put URL's in. Thanks in advance! And feel free to add my index of link portals to your links. I'll add -rGN-'s website on my index page if you do the same on your website.

    <3 EPICFACE. He is entertaining, isn't he? xD Anyway, thank you for the special thanks's, (especially to |-210| + MaTzeMR and omni)

    I recommend for your "members" page, you make one that actually has the members for your CLAN, not your website. It may throw people off.

    Unfortunately, I don't have IRC, so I don't use the channel, obviously. Not sure if any other Liquid Nitrogen members do either, but it'd be nice if you still kept it there.

    I'm planning to get a VPS so I can have more than one (non-home) server running at a time. I'll make match servers, public, and a special private one where only |-210| + -rGN- members (+special allies, like Matze and omni) can go on. Hopefully I can get the VPS. I'm pretty sure I know how to, because I figured out some low-priced hosters for a TeamSpeak3 Server... Now I need a way to earn money regularly... :D

    Anyways, it's nice to know we still have our ally clan. Good greetings from sunny Southern California (even though it's winter here, it's still an average of 75 degrees here :o) and may you and your clan live long and prosper. And keep doing your tryouts the way you are right now. Good luck!

    -LaZeRs =]

  2. When will the us start using Celsius :/ 70 Degrees is hotter than it has ever been in Britain.

    1. Lol in our country we use celsius I am shocked when I heard 70 hahah

  3. Luke9 is a fantastic player, great recruit!

    Nice match history by the way, looks like you've won a decent amount of matches. I notice a crushing defeat from none other than sPec there too :P

    So I've been thinking about how to handle the inactivity that has accompanied the conclusion of the winter break. I was hoping omni would return, as we have recently spoke at length about it. At the moment, omni might be returning temporarily for a few weeks, however the situation is very difficult - I'm not sure whether we will be able to push ahead with that or not.

    However, I think that eGn might hold the key! Independently, we are two (primarily) US-based clans struggling to survive in the dead US matching scene. However, together we are stronger than the sum of our parts. I really like this collaboration idea - I will encourage -210 members to join eGn with matching, and I hope eGn members will be keen on playing with us.

  4. Oh - I don't really use the IRC channel much. You can find me on on the OTB or cP TS3 servers, usually.

  5. Thanks for feedback, LaZeRs! I fixed all the links =]....

    And can some1 teach me how to use TS3?

  6. Download TS3 -
    Open the file, click the "Connections" Tab, click "Connect", and type in the server address (Prozak: (OTB:, and go into a channel with people in it and start talking. If you prefer not to show your voice/hear them chat but still be in the TeamSpeak client with them, simply message them ABOVE the message box. There should be two tabs there, one for the Title of the server (usually the first tab), and one for the channel of the server you're in (usually the second tab). There ya go, FusSioN son. =]

  7. Why do you call me son? :P you called me son even in the forums hahaha. You called me son because we have the same name formats and colors :P.

    BTW thanks

  8. Its just an expression, I guess because he taught you something or gave you something like a father would to his son. I don't know why people actually use it but they do myself included.

  9. Go ahead and put the Tournaments website ( up on your links if you want. =]
