Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Quick update

Things are going pretty steady with the clan right now. I've been saying this for a while, but I'll say it again - I'm still looking to expand our US player base. If you see anyone who you think would be a good recruit, ask them to post on here (Lazers, also feel free to bring in anyone you deem suitable).

The first leg of our tournament ran recently, to a fairly reasonable turnout. Lazers did an excellent job of putting it all together and I'm very grateful for his efforts and involvement. Here is a screenshot from the final match.

Matching is pretty consistent of late, though most games tend to end in additional players joining the server and turning clan matches into pugs.

We didn't do so well here, but note that Riven is clipz! I don't know who the other players are. 

Typical insta trash talk going on here haha

Once upon a time I could beat jigs. Not anymore!

Well, when it's our map and it ultimately becomes 2v1, things change a little :P

I just took this one because I liked seeing the Australian component (- insta) of -210 all in one place.

Hope everyone had an awesome Christmas and new year! 


  1. Wow! I'm amazed!

    I'm so glad the tourney went well, noturning. I had to go at the very end, and thai was holding down the fort with the bracket stuff. It's great that you came, and it's very fortunate this tournament went well! Hopefully the one on the 4th ends up the same way!

    I hated it when Clipz and his friends made us have a 4s or he'd kick everyone right on the spot, like he did to JiGz. I bet JiGz is still sore about losing to them. I only hated it though because it was right in the middle of our 2s and they were basically harassing JiGz's skill.

    iNstA's a funny one, that's for sure. =]

    Yes, we all have our own skills on our own maps, noturning. Haha, good thing soemthing changed between his map and our map.

    This clan is unique; we all live in seperate countries. That may be hard to match (due to pings), but it certainly makes -210 sPecial. Speaking of #sPec#, omni told me he's leaving! And he may be coming back here to Liquid Nitrogen! (That's his first choice at least!) Anyway, I guess you could say the Liquid Nitrogen spreads across the world, because as of now, it really is. #noglobalwarmingplz

    Lastly, the [LOL] clan kind of impersonated a newbie [LOL] clan that existed on DPLogin, so those names weren't registered or anything. And I think I cracked their code: Riven = Clipz, Leblanc = Avallonsly, Nasus = PurpleZone, and Yasuo = ReMM!X.

    #iwantomni #lolisconfusing #uniqueftw #210isbest


  2. I said I might, due to personal reasons :P

  3. My bad. But you seemed pretty convinced to leave when you were talking to me about it.
