Saturday 7 December 2013

Im going again...

sorry guys
but this clan is very sad in its current status, without omni and inactive players...
I am going to join in a clan with lumixan again, but I will always match with you all if you want
and if omni comes back I maybe will come back too, if i can
its too inactive for me in its current status and time zones


  1. ...or you could have asked lumixan to join -210 :D
    I think that would be a better move, if everyone is ok with it...
    ...just a thought

  2. yeah, but the problem is that i want a clan where all members are active and match :/

  3. Aww.
    Bai matze.
    Thanks for ditching me again. :P
    <3 |-210|LaZeRs

  4. Yeah, I did suggest asking lumixan as well to join. I've always tried to keep the number of members in the clan down to a minimum because people seemed to prefer having a tight cohesive unit - however perhaps this is not a good move right now - especially given the assortment of time zones. I am going to recruit some new players. Lazers - epicface is requesting membership, would he be a good person to join? I understand that you guys play together a fair bit, yeah?

    Matze - no need to apologise! Like I've said before - you guys are always welcome to come and go as you please - I'll never be offended when you leave, and I'll always accept your membership requests. Best of luck with the new clan, how about a match today?

    Also - anyone else as well - I will be around for the next 15 hours - until 3am on the main clock. So if your on, just message on here or the forums and I'll be ready to match :)

  5. Also, lazers - would you like to be a clan leader? I'd really like to do some recruiting so that we have more active members

  6. Sure.
    And EPICFACE is inactive, his stepdad cut off his wifi forever, at least until he moves (again...). So he can't access the internet on his computer. Even though we do play alot, ever since he lost his wifi, he's been never able to play paintball with me. So don't add him - and the only reason he actually could request was because he was at my house for the weekend.
    Sorry EPICFACE. :(
    Hope you keep on matching, Matze!
