Monday 9 December 2013

Lazers and Noturning versus Spog and Shockk + New clan partnership

Lazers and I played a close game against Spog and Shockk yesterday, losing by a marginal amount at 11 points (unfortunately I had to leave during map 2). GG!

In other news - I think it might be a good idea to take Fussion's offer to partner up with eGn. He recently posted:

Nice results...... suppose I cannot post another topic for this, Ima just post it here myself. As I saw that result, it gave me an idea.. How about |-210| and -eGn- be allies? I am from the Philippines and that country is near Australia...... We are fairly active though, Europeans and my friends are in that clan.... so we are active weekly.... We match every Friday (EST). Our record is 14-4. We can train with you.... But I will be fairly active everyday starting December 20, 2013. Contact me here if you want to accept my proposal : and our IRC channel #eg_netcrew and #fussion. =) thanks |-210|

I think that this could open up some new matching opportunities =) I'll have a chat about this with Lazers later.

Also, Lazers - how late do you stay up playing dp2? It was good meeting up at 8:30 PM the other night (or 5 AM CET). Maybe we could make a regular matching time out of 7 AM CET? Or we could swap it and do the reverse - 7 PM CET (and 8:30 AM in US)


  1. Thank you Noturning! I wish we will have a good partnership!

  2. How about we meet up in game and have a match? What would be a good time for you mate?

  3. This Friday, If we go home early from school 12:00nn, it would be 2 hours advance in your country right? So I'll play by 12:30pm, and it will be 2:30pm there =)

    1. That sounds good - I'll be on at 2:30 tomorrow (Friday). We should try and get 2s going - maybe lazers will join. I need to find some more US players.

    2. Hey Sam,

      I was locked out of my house during the time we were supposed to meet. Do you want to try again today at 2:30?

  4. Hello, noturning, maybe we should try on Wednesday, 2:30pm (your time). I have exams this monday and tuesday.... so, I will do my best to meet with you guys!
