Thursday 5 December 2013

Regular Matching Time - Member clocks

Hey guys,

I'd like to get a bit more organised with respect to meeting up for matches.

I think a good way to do this is to first have an idea of who might be on at particular times. Member clocks are as follows:

Member Clocks

Noturning and Schizophrenic - Australia

Lazers - USA (I think we need another USA member, maybe?)

MatzeMR and Thai - Europe

Omni - United Kingdom (Hasn't joined -210, but is a good friend of the clan and is always good to match with)

These times might be a little off as I'm not exactly sure where you all reside - just let me know and I can make corrections as necessary.

-210 Global Clock

Now for the main part - we should co-ordinate our meeting times to one clock. I think we should go with the Europe time. So, we can consider this to be the main DP2 clock that we will run by:

^^ A bit too big haha, I'll fix it later.

Regular Match Time(/s)

In the next couple of days, I'll observe the times that everyone seems to be on and keen for matching. I'll then update this with a time that members can *expect* to find other members on to play with. 

I'm not sure how well this will work, but it's worth a shot. I'd really like to see more matches being played - perhaps I'll bring some new players in for this. Let me know what you guys think, and if you know anyone that (a) might like to join, and importantly, (b) would be keen to match. 


  1. This is great!
    I put a tournaments tab on there to link to a website I made about our tournaments.
